It is a well polished game with great presentation and theme. It is worth trying out as mechanics are functional, it represents pseudo-moral dilemmas and it has an interesting, unique atmosphere to experience. However, keep in mind that this is less of a strategy game and more of a management game which you have to solve. This game is dead easy to play even on the hardest difficulty, because you need to figure out what works and what does not. Then you had officially completed the game. Due to in game mechanics being very well defined and challenges being non-organic, you do not have freedom to do what you want. This is one of those games where there are only one or few correct ways of playing this game and beating it. When you figure that out, it is a dead easy and quite linear game. Game had received extensive support by developers and thus it is full of new content, different scenarios who shake things slightly. These games are not about the challenge, but rather the experience you get from playing them and that is perfectly fine. Some games are worth playing once for the experience they give you and not all games need to be endlessly replayable.