It is good game for first 10 hours. A single campaign on hardest difficulty takes up to 5 hours and you can play from both sides. It has some custom battles, but those are always just a bonus. Meat of the game is in campaign which is just little more than few missions tied together with some text.

Core gameplay is great. It is simple and elegant yet at the same time it sacrifices complexity and depth requires for deeper immersion. Nor this game is capable of generating much of interesting experiences due to its simplicity. While base gameplay is great and AI is one of the best I had seen, it is still in the end a shallow game. 15 euros and on sale a lot lower is a great price for such game and I recommend to try it if it interests you. At bare minimum you will get 5 hours out of the game which is quite a good deal in my eyes.

Btw: There are some issues with this game. For example, charges are broken. You can charge small artillery unit and thousands of men will fail to kill less than a hundred men manning cannons. Morale system is also quite irritating when forces to deal with chronically low morale troops. Artillery itself is broken half of the time with line of sight issues and ammo which breaks its own rules. These are things which would start mattering if game would be a lot bigger and longer, but as it is, when said issues will begin to become a problem for your master plans, you probably already be done with this game either way.

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